30 December, 2014

Say Hello, 2015!

Picture Courtesy : http://weheartit.com/

It's a new beginning already. Here I am, ready with a list of things I propose to do the coming year.

Every year, December to January is an eventful time for me. All that anticipation about the birthday madness, all the glitter on Christmas trees, all those sales and woohoo's in malls, Secret Santa's , all that shopping for gifts, and of course, a list of resolutions, which, by the mid of January is tucked away in a cozy corner, to be opened and fret upon by next December.

Looking back:

Last year this time, I was digging myself a hole waiting for the CAT results. Last year, this time, I was making back up plans in case I didn't make it into a decent place to get an MBA degree. Last year, this time, I was endlessly waiting in hope, I was stuck in an obscure rut. Last year this time, I was playing with a baby cousin who could barely lift her little finger to point at the things she found fascinating. 

Well that was just the beginning. Through 2014, I made some wonderful friends, heard some wonderful songs, grew a year older and not the least bit wiser. Well for sometime I've been stuck on the theory that says, Insanity is directly proportional to our increasing age. I'm growing up to be a bigger child than I ever was!

Looking Ahead:

Right now, right here, at this point, I'm sitting unabashedly, shaking in fear for the pace of time, which almost always manages to leave me baffled. In exactly two days, I'm turning 23. You may say, so what, it's just 23, not 30. You are right, but being the drama queen I am, and given my dislike for odd numbers, it's a scary thought. In exactly two years or lesser from now, I would stop attending all family functions, for the thought of the stereotype aunties walking up to me all ticklish showing me photos of some rich, well-settled and lack-lustre items available in the marriage market, making me want to dig myself a deeper hole than the one I am already in. And everywhere I look, I find a dozen more reasons to sulk. To the extent that one of my closest friend thinks, I've a disease - one where I am resolute to sulk about anything and everything! 

So I'm starting 31st of December, 2014, with some of my favorite people, doing some of my favorite things - SHOPPING and EATING. 

I've never been a great aficionado of change. But, in 2014, I saw some beautiful changes. My baby cousin grew up to lift the same finger and point at my photo, in fact she walks and talks fun now! I officially got rid of the bad luck with finding creepy people midst a non-creepy crowd, I decided to give the world a chance. 

This year I look forward to being a regular on my blog, giving myself a little more girl attention (i.e. mani's, pedi's, parlors etc) , exploring the world a tad bit more and  making my last year of college one that I'd remember for the rest of my life!

I feel obliged to say I'm thankful to some wonderful friends of mine for pulling me back up when I thought I'd be sinking, and being there beside to hold my hand through the craziest of times. I hope to keep this going. 

And hopefully this year ends up being a beautiful one too, etched on to each of our timelines. 

Happy 2015 guys! 

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