04 July, 2013

Murphy’s Law - An Ageless Irony.

If we all ever failed to see, the biggest irony to life is the Murphy’s Law. You would have already noticed Bala and I are great aficionados of the Murphy’s Law. Murphy’s Law is a satirical staging of the snags in life. In other words, a wee bit less perilous than opening the Pandora’s Box.

Many of us took birth picturing the world as one of the Utopian edifices and understood it is all a delusion, much later. And then we considered pessimism. We started being cautious of the perils and sensed the wile potholes. We became astute. And along came the Murphy’s Law. It teaches one to be cautious when he can, in order to complete a task successfully. However, today's ridiculous trends have brought in a new standpoint towards this ageless law. The Murphy’s Law, has been adapted to suit many every situation one can foresee. Though some are side-splitting, I love the sarcasm and pessimism contained. It’s worth a share.

Original Version of the Law:
“If something can go wrong, it will.”

Dedicated to Sir Issac Newton:
“Every action has a not-so-kind reaction.”

 The law for Diplomats:
“The boss will decide to call right when you decide to take a break.” Oops-a- Daisy already."

 Dedicated to Gravity:
“Any tool, nut, bolt, screw, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner.”

Dedicated to Defamation and Probability:
“The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act.”

 To wrong numbers:
“If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal and someone always answers.”

Law of Close Encounters:
“The probability of meeting someone you know increases dramatically when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with.”

To brand enthusiasts:
“As soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop making it.”

To a buttered toast:
“The chances of the toast landing buttered side down is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet.”

To Baby-Sitters:
“When you need to carry a child they will want to walk.”

 To Biologists( my kins):
“If the preservation vial is not lost, the culture is not viable.”

Do you fear Peanut Galleries? Then watch this:
“If the audience can clap at the wrong time, they will.”

 To copiers:
“The legibility of a copy is inversely proportional to its importance.”

A Last one for the sake of fun:
“Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure.”

And of course, Bala’s Version :
“If shit can happen, it invariably will.”

Bala Says: 

I wake up chanting the law than the usual religious hymns. It helps. It really does. Trust me, wake up chanting this, and you’ll find a way to look at the problems with an eye of humour. It helps lower expectations and makes living with the not-so-pleasing-facts, a jay-walk.”